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The reasons for change - now!

Chemicals are used throughout the world, in many cases without any thought to the ultimate consequences.

Although they are used freely about the home, how many are truly 'safe'?

Many of the ingredients contained in conventional household and commercial cleaners, detergents and soaps are known to have detrimental and damaging effects on the environment and humankind.

A passage from the research booklet 'Water quality in catchment ecosystems' by AM Gower reads...
"Of the pharmaceutical products, detergents, cosmetics and other similar domestic products and their metabolites (ingredients), greater quantities are discharged into sewers from domestic premises than from premises manufacturing them".

What this statement means in simple language is that domestic/semi-commercial (restaurants, hotels etc.) pollution causes more damage to the environment than industrial pollution.

A short video about chemical use

The alarming issues facing the world and environment